Flexibility of Deployment

A major feature of Kleos’ telecom solutions are their high flexibility aiming at reducing costs, facilitating deployment and optimizing components integration. Kleos’ cutting edge technology not only exceeds the market’s requirement but also makes it one of the most flexible solutions from a deployment perspective.


In fact, our PEGASUS base station is simple to install, configure, troubleshoot and maintain. It is designed to be an all outdoor base station (BBU, RRU, Antennas and Power Supply) and hence does not require any sheltering or air-conditioning services in addition to being completely waterproof.

PEGASUS was also designed to offer an optimized connectivity between Antennas, RRUs (Remote Radio Units), and BBUs (baseband units) to ensure minimum cabling requirements.This scores another point in the all outdoor base station design (BBU, RRU, Antennas and Power Supply) with a modular and capacity-oriented design.


Additionally, it is conceived to require extremely low power consumption and operates on zero diesel base sites with solar-suitable power option in deployment. Moreover, Kleos’ BTS supports all SON (Self Organizing Networks) features and is deployable with no or only minimal frequency planning.

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